Patty Aubin has a varied and interesting background: Mortgage Loan Officer, Construction Project Manager and Licensed Associate Broker in Real Estate, which all translate to AWESOMENESS in real estate! Patty has had her real estate license for 5 years but before that her and her husband planned and developed several well-known top quality subdivisions locally. Patty can be considered an expert in all aspects of new construction (her and her husband have built more than 12 homes JUST FOR THEMSELVES!) as well as helping Buyers and Sellers navigate the complex world of mortgages. She often works with relocation situations and has sold several homes sight unseen. Military, waterfront, new construction, land, first time or seasoned investors are all within Patty’s wheelhouse.
When she isn’t working in real estate Patty enjoys cooking, reading, working with her hands, camping, canoeing and spending time with her family. Please call Patty at (315) 804-7598 for all your real estate needs!