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Tip of the Day Tuesday: Timing

Selling your home quickly can be amazing, if timed right with the purchase of your new home. 

Although it doesn’t happen to everyone, selling a home almost immediately can be extremely thrilling and rewarding. However, here at BridgeView we are here to remind you of the precautions you should take before immediately signing the dotted line. It is often most tempting to sell immediately when there are several offers on the table, even a few above asking price. At BridgeView we look forward to these types of exciting sales and will help you pick the best deal for you. However, will you be able to find a home to move into just as quickly?

It is important to now line up your finances and check out possible prospects. Now is the time to stay in close and clear contact with your BridgeView agent as they help you navigate the tight time frame you may have. One option is to request a lease-back from your buyer, this allows you to stay in your home while you continue looking for your new home. This can usually be arranged with the buyers, most will understand if you can’t move out immediately. However, this option is usually limited to a period of only 60 or so days, and is obviously contingent upon when the buyers need to move in. Another option is prolonging the process by extending the period before closing.

If you are a buyer in the market, it is important to understand that these types of situations can happen in the reverse for you. Be sure to be early and flexible during the buying process. Especially during summer months, things in the market can move quickly and we want you to be ready for them. Go loan shopping early, know your budget and what you’re looking for in a home or neighborhood. Line up a service inspector to be ready to check out a home you wish to purchase. Most importantly, if you want a home badly enough and wish to close quickly, have your agent ask the sellers what they value most in the sale. By accommodating their wants, it can set you apart from other buyers and help you close the deal faster.

In conclusion, it is important to be prepared to move swiftly through this process so that you are prepared for anything. Here at BridgeView we will do our best to make these times beneficial and smooth for you!

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